

First of all, let me justify my absence from this blog. Switzerland has been giving me loads of work to do, which is very good because I can keep myself occupied while I’m here. I finish my two semesters of studies at Glion Institute of Higher Education on December 7th and, until then, I will be very busy with work. If I don’t post is not because I forgot about all my beloved Teens, it’s because I really have lots of work to do until I’m done with this.

But the reason that brought me here today is because I have the most amazing news. I’m moving to New York City in January to intern for WCMG Events for six months. I’m beyond excited and I can already image myself walking around Manhattan, running in Central Park and completely falling in love with that city every day. I’m so happy and I wanted to share these amazing news with all of you. I will have a lot more to post about and I’m sure the quality of my posts will improve. And I’m ready to work and do my best at WCMG.

This blog has already seen me moving to Madrid and to Switzerland. It’s time for the next chapter of the “Another Adventure of The Teenage Royalty” saga. I hope you are all on board with me.



8 comentários:

Maria disse...

OMG congrats!! que boas notícias, you're gonna take NY by storm!! quem me deraaaa, deve ser brutal :)

Jessica Silva disse...

you lucky girl! =)

Marta Cabral disse...

Brutal!! Muita sorte neste teu novo percurso! =D

Unknown disse...

Boa Sorte! You couldn't get a better place for this :)


Sara Cabido disse...

Que coisa boa!! E melhor ainda, sabendo que tu, com toda a tua criatividade e dom da palavra, irás partilha a experiência aqui, com todos nós! Fico - ansiosamente - a aguardar por mais novidades e deixa-me que te diga que estou realmente feliz por ti. Um dia, hei-de ser assim tão viajada!

Um beijinho, Sara ♥

Filipa Leite disse...

living the dream!!

muitos parabéns! tens é que contar como arranjar um estágio desses! também não me importava nada de arranjar um e 'bazar' destepaís que vai de mal a pior! ;)

Maria Garcia Pita disse...

aiiii girl que inveja, leva-me contigo na mala! hehehe I wish you the best <3

Unknown disse...

Uau!! Parabéns pela ousadia e pela conquista!! Muita sorte para a nova fase!!
